Why No-Code Development Is the Best Option for app development?

Brisk Logic
8 min readSep 20, 2022


Demand for mobile apps is growing every day Right???

2022 has been a great year for developing apps and it continues to show steady growth despite everything else going on.

One of the biggest surprises in 2022 has been the increase in development that doesn’t require code and other non-code platforms.

In the years, no-code platforms have grown. Brisk Logic’s no-code platform App Maker recorded 178% growth during the first quarter of 2022. This growth continues as we enter the second quarter of 2022.

The reason for this dramatic rise has been noted based on a few basic reasons.

These arguments are enough to make you think about using no-code platforms for application development as well.

Let’s explore these arguments in greater detail.

Before we go on we will present some statistics on the development of applications that do not require code.

After you’ve gone through them, let’s start with the first and most crucial question.

What is the definition of no-code development?

The answer is easy. No-code development refers to the development of apps and other vital software that does not require programming.

For instance, Brisk Logic offers various non-code programs, including app builder software, website builder, and chatbot builder. These platforms let users build websites, apps, and chatbots without having to write a single line.

Learn more about what development without code involves by visiting our blog, which will guide you through everything you should learn about developing apps with no code.

If you’ve got the idea of developing without code Let’s look at the benefits of no-code development to start your next business.

7 Reasons Why You Should Choose No-Code Development


Efficient Use of Internal Resources

Making applications with outside resources and development organizations can be extremely expensive and time-consuming. Additionally, it can be extremely restrictive and restrictive. When you design an app with an outside agency, it is impossible to gain control over the internals of the application you’ve created. This is the reason developing apps internally is crucial. However, many businesses cannot afford to build their applications by themselves due to the expense and the need for experienced developers.

This is why a no-code development tool can be of help.

They are able to be used by anyone and are designed to be easy for users. They will help you make the most of existing resources to the maximum extent, while also creating efficient apps.

Easier to modify and customize

In comparison to traditional development and coding, No-code development offers users the ability to alter and modify things to suit their needs. When you use a no-code program you can alter things in a matter of minutes without having to worry about bugs that could be a problem.

Reduce backlogs

This is extremely beneficial for companies that are constantly changing and can help reduce backlogs. This benefit can also be applied to app development companies which can alter the content they’re creating at any time. The flexibility of an app development platform that does not require code will be unmatched.

Faster creation and distribution

Development without code can speed up development time. It takes on average four months to create an application. This time could be longer for different types of apps. A platform for development that does not require code could cut that time by half or less based on the type of app you’re developing. The faster you build your application, the quicker you can launch it or make it available to your customers.

Cost to Own is Lower

One of the primary advantages of using No-Code platforms for development is the cost of ownership. Since the app’s data is kept in a secure cloud, you don’t have to pay for servers or maintenance costs, nor do you need to build. All you purchase is the application you use. This will significantly impact your cost for ownership, and assist you in saving huge sums of money.

Better ROI and low risk

Following on from the previous aspect, using a non-code development tool is less expensive and more likely to give you a higher return on your investment. When you use a tool that does not require code for instance you will reduce more than half the cost of overhead to develop a traditional app.

The higher ROI is also a sign that investing in non-code development is less risky. If your app fails it is likely that you have reduced your costs more than if you invested in traditional development.

Easier learning curve

Software for developing No-Code is designed to be simple so that even a child can utilize these programs. Actually, they are able to. Brisk Logic Provides a free program for developers to help them become accustomed to the concept of no-code development. You can try it out for yourself.

Future-Proof Technology

Then again, Google believes that no coding is the way to go. They’ve been testing an entirely no-code platform that they have developed. If you start using no-code technology right now there is a good possibility of getting ahead of the trend. The application you develop is a future-proof app and will become better over time.

8 Reasons why No-Code Development platform adoption is growing


1. Responding to the increasing demands for enterprise applications

Based on Gartner, the demand for application development services will increase at least 5 times faster than the capacity of IT to offer these services. Through no-code citizen app development, the ever-growing requirements of software development will be met.

App development that does not require code allows developers to concentrate on more pressing questions.

2. The disruption of cloud technology has made it accessible to everyone

Remember the time that technology was only available to those with a high status? Only big companies could utilize it to create applications and keep the old ones. This was due to the fact that it was prohibitively expensive to purchase the equipment and develop applications. It was also costly and time consuming to modify the systems. Thus, systems remained stale. Small businesses suffered a lot because of dependence and a lack of capital.

Today with cloud computing all you need you have to do is connect to the Internet connection.

Even micro-startups can develop apps without worrying about infrastructure or costs. In reality, smaller enterprises are developing faster than big ones, requiring them to be part of the revolution and utilize no-code platforms to gain flexibility.

3. Goodbye legacy systems

The old systems were ineffective as they were inflexible and complex. The team had to fill out the data on paper or spreadsheets and forward it to the main office to be filed. This increased the chance of mistakes and slowed down the whole process.

Cloud has shaken up traditional systems and brought more flexibility to the workplace. With the advent of low-code and no-code citizens, development teams operate in a way that is transparent and automated and that’s why you’ll rarely find mistakes.

The entire process is much faster and more efficient.

Furthermore, the whole device is able to be customized according to evolving needs. The dependence is virtually nonexistent!

4. The dependence on IT has decreased

Traditional models of work required the involvement of IT throughout the process. The developers decided on the entire application, and the rest of the team agreed with the decision. Cloud computing and no-code programming have transformed the paradigm and decreased dependence on IT.

Infrastructure and IT services are costly and the majority of enterprises aren’t able to pay for these resources. Cloud-based programming without code is the ideal solution which is why. Additionally, this reduces the pressure for developers to concentrate on the more complex operations-oriented work of the business.


5. Agility is the best option

With ever-changing business requirements and ever-changing customer demands It is the requirement of the day for companies to adapt. In contrast to traditional development, low-code or no-code platforms let business users change their applications swiftly and efficiently. The simple drag-and-drop development capability of platforms that do not require code lets you easily modify and update applications. This allows businesses to profit from opportunities in the market and avoid dealing with any risk.

6. Utilizing Internal Resources

Low-code, no-code platforms offer users the capability to create applications using an intuitive and user-friendly design interface. This allows users to create applications without requiring any understanding of programming or programming.

An organization can assign employees with first-hand knowledge of the subject in developing applications and solutions on their own, without hiring an outside source. With problem-solving abilities and creative thinking that they employ when creating apps, businesses can make the most efficient use of internally-generated resources.

7. Cost reductions

The days are gone when you were forced to wait an extended time for changes to be made to the app or shell out a huge amount of money to create solutions. Development of apps using codeless technology can be a breeze.

  • Reduce the need to employ costly software developers
  • Reduce the development time
  • Low-maintenance software costs are a good option.

8. Monitoring Shadow IT

To achieve quicker and more effective solutions, users of business are more likely to use external software without consulting IT. IT department. In allowing business users to design any solution they want and utilizing no-code citizen development platforms, they remove the requirement to rely on external security solutions. Users can develop solutions through cooperation or consultation in conjunction with an IT department, providing greater visibility as well as collaboration and reducing security risks.

Where to Begin Trying Out No-Code Development

The answer is easy with Brisk Logic. If this is the Brisk Logic blog Why not begin your journey to develop without code by using Brisk Logic platform ? It’s free to start with all of our software that doesn’t require code. Try it for yourself!


No-code development is an increasing trend in the world of development. A major concern that the developers have is the possibility of disruption. No-code development platforms could be disruptive to the development industry. Sooner or later, we’ll be moving to no-code. It’s a great time to start developing your app using no code.

Get started now!




Brisk Logic

Build digital products faster, smarter, and scalable. We aim to develop the greatest digital products that are lightning-fast, at a significantly lower cost.